Friday, September 17, 2010

Week @ a Glance

I love this idea at looking back at the week and reflecting on our experiences in our home (sweet) school.

-realizing that I made the right decision to home school and loving every minute of it
-growing closer to my children as I teach them both academics and faith

What's That? (What you might have heard if you were a fly on the wall.)
-"Mama, I really lo- like you a lot.  I love our school (bashful smile)." Cohen
-"I did it.  I really did it." Kiran
-"1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9...1...etc.." Hannah, counting out loud for the first time

I wish I could have:
-paused before responding to Cohen's whining (I would have responded much better.)
-hugged Hannah more today
-put away my laundry (How will I ever catch up?!)

What they learned:
We continued exploring the number 5.  We used the bead in a bag activity I found at The Activity Mom.  Cohen really liked it! We took it further and drew the results in his math book.  We continued with the writers workshop.  I am really pleased with how Cohen is leaving spaces between words.  He is also good at articulating his words slowing and recording the sounds.  I am so proud of him.   We explored the letter O this week.  We linked this with the ABC scripture series from Impress Your Kids.  We looked for Os in the magazines and fliers.  We also practiced printing Os on the chalkboard and on paper.  Kiran worked really hard at his printing.  

What I learned:
I learned that my tone of voice needs to soften.  This has always been a challenge for me.  I am a born yeller and need to curb this in order to really teach gentleness. (We are using Kids of Integrity's lessons.  The first one we started was gentleness.  It may take a while!)

That's our week in a nut shell.  Hope your week was as fruitful!

Thanks to Homeschool Creations for hosting this blog link!

preschool corner


Tidy Mom I'm Lovin It Fridays


  1. I love this post! It is great to reflect on the good and things that needed improvement. I am always thinking the same things about myself too!

  2. Hi,

    I'm following you via FFF blog hope.

    best wishes,

  3. Following you now from Friday Blog Hop. Please follow my blog of inspirational messages. Now on Twitter!

  4. I love that you took a moment to see what you could have done better. I'm going to remember to do that each week-what a great way to become a better parent/teacher! I'm stopping over from the Friday Blog Hop. Hope you'll stop by too-I'm also a homeschooling mom.

  5. We homeschool as well, and I, too, learn right along side of my children. It is wonderful to reflect on the week - the good and could have been better. Thanks for this post!

  6. Hi,
    I’m your newest follower, hope you will follow me back. I have a giveaway for a children’s bible, check it out.
    I’m a home schooler too.
    Have a blessed weekend

  7. Hi, came here from the Preschool Corner. What a good idea it is to reflect back on what we as the parents have learned and could have done different! Thanks.

  8. Visiting from Preschool Corner. I like how you shared the "I Wish I COuld Have" and "What I Learned" sections. I can totally relate to working on having a soft tone. We've been working on this at our house too. I blogged about it:

    Love your blog! Glad I found you on the blog hop.



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